forensic medicine, pathology and science at the turn of the 20th Century


British postmortem instrument kit, London; Manufacturer: Coxeter & Co., about 1860
(Robert E. Greenspan) National Library of Medicine


forensic medicine/ pathology


'Suicide through Stabbing' (1898) Eduard Ritter von Hofmann, M.D., Atlas of Legal Medicine, Philadelphia, chromolithograph; Artist A. Schmitson






Murder the Result of Various Injuries (1898) Eduard Ritter von Hofmann, M.D., Atlas of Legal Medicine, Philadelphia, chromolithograph; Artist A. Schmitson


post mortem examinations/ autopsies


Charles Richard Box. Post-mortem Manual: A Handbook of Morbid Anatomy and Post-mortem Technique, London 1910




coroners and inquests


forensic science/ toxicology


Mathieu J.B. Orfila, M.D., and Octave Lesueur, M.D., Traité des exhumations juridiques… [Treatise on legal exhumations, and considerations on the physical transformations undergone by cadavers rotting in the earth, in water, in toilets and in manure]; Paris, 1831. 'Cadaver buried February 7, 1828, and exhumed April 24, 1828'. Chromolithograph, artist: Hippolyte Vanderburch. National Library of Medicine


Mathieu Joseph Bonaventure Orfila, about 1835



The Marsh test equipment

Dr. Alfred Swaine Taylor (left) and a colleague, performing the Marsh test on samples taken from the body of John Parsons Cook. The two were looking for traces of arsenic and antimony (1856). National Library of Medicine


Arsenic flametest (Wikimedia)

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